Uhhh.... hi everyone. XD. I haven't updated for a WHOLE MONTH!!!! WHAT THE HELLLLLL!!!! o.O I feel almost bad, but I honestly don't know if anyone even reads my blog, or visits my website, or cares, LOL. If ur reading this sign my guestbook so I know you visited hahahaa...... UMMM anyways, it's october now but I didn't write a september update yet so that's what I'm doing. I turned 16 years old in september!!! Yaaaaay!!! It was awesome, I didn't do anything, I stayed home and ordered chinese food and that's the way I like it. I'm not like antisocial I just don't like the attention of a birthday other than presents and being loved. I love to party I'm just not a birthday party person... I cried at like every birthday I had when I was younger. So.... o_o mhm.
I started schooool, I am working as hard as I can, I'm pretty much failing math but I hope I can fix that. I like math but I am not good at it AT ALL, so it's not very fun. But my parents just want me to try, which is nice, because there's no way I'm getting anywhere close to an A.
Right now I'm listenign to FER SURE by THE MEDIC DROID which is such a good song and I love it's super mega fucking good LOLL I love my musicc, I had to take the winamp off my homepage tho coz it was broken which is super sad but I'll live, not like u hve much time to listen nyways coz ur gonna gon my other pages lol.
This website always bring the scenie back out I was like a really big scene kid (and certified scene queen) but it's really hard to be scene and experiment with gender expression after a while, and being percieved as like a scene girl got really hard because I'm not a girl. :]
I decorated this blog with like a million fun sparkly gifs because I love putting graphics all over and I haven't updated in like forevz so I need to go crazy with it a bit. LOVE