What I believe in

I am feeling very harmonious right now, besides the fact that my tummy hurts really bad. I practiced my tarot reading and looked more into crystals... it's stuff I've been interested in for a while but eventually I forgot about. I'm trying to get back into a habit of doing this sort of thing... I don't know how to describe it honestly but you know what I'm talking about. It's interesting and relaxing and it's just nice to have moments like that to consider what's around me and where I am in my life. I know the cards won't give me a perfect answer to my questions, but that's not the point to me. They just tell me where I'm going and what to know. It's insight..... not instructions.... yknow??? I personally can understand why someone would not believe in tarot or crystals or whatever but I enjoy it. It's comforting!
I've also been thinking about... signs. Like from the universe. I know it sounds cheesy but again, it's a matter of what makes me feel secure. I lost my dog recently. I had him from elementary school and his passing was kinda sudden. It's hurt me a lot. But my horseriding instructor told me that some people believe cardinals are lost loved ones paying a visit, so when I see them now, it touches me. I think about my dog, and I find comfort in the thought that it's him coming to see me again, and I like knowing he misses me just as much as I do him.
So yeah those are my sort of beliefs in magic and um.... I don't know what else to say. I just wanted to share.... not telling anyone they need to have my same ideas or anything in case someone might need to hear it... :D byeee